March is National Women’s History Month. Women’s History Month initially began as Women’s History Week in Santa Rosa, California. It was observed during the week of March 8 to coincide with International Women’s Day. In 1987, President Reagan proclaimed March as Women’s History Month. Since then, every president has issued an official proclamation recognizing March as “Women’s History Month.”
The National Women’s History Alliance designated the 2024 theme for Women’s History Month as Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. This theme recognizes women throughout the country who understand that we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions. Our future depends on it.
Moving from power over, to power with.

Michelle Obama once said, “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” This past fall, two women from Crossnore with different backgrounds and generations traveled to the intimate grounds of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, New York. There they attended the Women and Power conference, now in its 18th year.
The theme of the Women and Power retreat was Heads Together, Hearts Forward. It was a guide for both of these women as they embarked on the next three days together, standing alongside other change leaders from across the globe. All the women united together, advocating for justice and to #DoPowerDifferently. To do power differently requires a shift–a move from power over to power with. It requires collaborative action–holding other women up and being alongside each other when we fall. It means cultivating both personal and collective healing, taking action in the face of adversity and recognizing the intersectionality of equity, diversity and inclusion. Doing power differently is circular with power distributed so that we collectively move in the direction of change, with our heads together and heads forward.
Celebrate the Achievements of Women
We encourage our communities and organizations to celebrate the achievements of women who have championed equity, diversity, and inclusion – who do power differently and reaffirm our commitment to advancing these principles in our society.

Who are the women in your community or organization that you will honor?
Want to learn more about the goodness of women? Check out the links below:
- Get to know the 2024 Women Hall of Fame Inductees
- Where the women at? Find out on the Womanica podcast. Explore diverse women throughout history by listening just 5 minutes a day.
- Read the report from the Women’s Rights Convention.
- Visit Story Corps to read some amazing stories to honor Women’s History Month.