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Back to School Needs List 2019


It’s that time again! The summer is flying by and soon our students will be back at school, and all of our amazing teachers will be giving their all, for yet another year, to effect change in the lives of our children.

You can help by purchasing and collecting school supplies for the upcoming year and delivering them to our offices. OR you can shop directly from our Amazon List and have them shipped directly to us! Hooray technology!

Here are our needs for the 2019-2020 School year.

You can click HERE for a downloadable pdf version of the list. For questions, please call or email the contacts listed on the flyer for each location.

Another way to help our school is to link your Harris Teeter VIC card to school #4244, your Ingles Advantage card to school #31129 or set up an online Publix account and choose Marjorie Williams Academy (Crossnore).

You can also donate securely online HERE. Designate your online donation as “School Supplies.”

As always, we are so appreciative of your love, kindness, and support. We couldn’t do it without you.